
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Akhirnya, Pijat Payudara di China Legal


Akhirnya, Pijat Payudara di China Legal

Sebuah tempat pijat di China yang sebelumnya dituntut karena tuduhan prostitusi, kini secara resmi dilegalkan. Menurut pemerintah setempat, tempat tersebut hanya melakukan pijat payudara.


Memang tempat pijat di Cina sangat banyak, namun alasan seseorang yang menuntut bahwa tempat tersebut merupakan tempat prostitusi dinilai tidak beralasan. Seperti dilansir TheFrisky, Senin (1/7/2013), tempat pijat payudara itu resmi menjadi legal. Hal ini dianggap ending yang bahagia karena banyaknya manfaat pijat payudara.
Beberapa waktu lalu, media massa di Provinsi Guangdong, China Selatan menegaskan bahwa pijat payudara merupakan tindakan yang tidak ada hubungannya dengan berhubungan seksual.
Kontroversi tempat pijat payudara di China memang sudah lama ada. Dan secara sepihak, tahun 2012 pemerintah di Foshan, meminta sekelompok pekerja salon menawarkan jasa masturbasi untuk klien pada sebuah tempat pijat payudara. Entah bagaimana, kemudian kasus ini ditangani polisi di wilayah tersebut.
Banyak penelitian yang mengungkapkan bahwa pijat payudara membuat wanita terhindar dari penyakit seperti kanker payudara dan penyumbatan pembuluh darah.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Manfaat SPA Vagina untuk Wanita

Manfaat SPA Vagina untuk Wanita

SPA vagina, SPA miss V, SPA, SPA untuk daerah kewanitaan,Tentu wanita tahu tentang SPA yaitu perawatan tubuh agar tampak sehat da bugar. SPA merupakan suatu terapi kebugaran yang sangat bagus terutama untuk melancarkan peredaran darah dan membuat fikiran kita menjadi jernih atau tenang. Spa tidak hanya untuk tubuh, tapi ada juga spa untuk daerah kewanitaan, yang dikenal dengan nama V-spa.
Ratus wangi adalah bentuk V-Spa berbahan tradisional yang dapat dijumpai di salon-salon ataupun dilakukan sendiri di rumah. Kandungan Ratus ini bermacam-macam, diantaranya adalah green tea, akar wangi, cempaka, patchouli dan herbal lainnya.

Yang sangat menarik dari Ratus ini adalah manfaatnya untuk kesehatan organ intim wanita (miss V) dan kepercayaan diri wanita. Ini dia beberapa manfaatnya.
  1. Melancarkan peredaran darah.
  2. Menghilangkan jamur yang menyebabkan keputihan.
  3. Membantu membersihkan daerah intim agar segar dan wangi.
  4. Baik untuk membersihkan tubuh wanita dan menjaga kesehatan daerah intim wanita sehabis melahirkan maupun setelah datang bulan.
  5. Untuk yang sudah menikah, mengencangkan daerah intim wanita sehingga meningkatkan kualitas hubungan seksual.
  6. Mengurangi lendir yang berlebih sehingga miss V jadi 'keset' atau tidak lembab
  7. Beberapa sumber mengatakan bermanfaat untuk mencegah kanker rahim.
Jadi SPA itu banyak ragam atau berbagai macam tetapi berfungsi sama yaitu untuk mendapatkan suatu kesehatan yang maksimal agar tubuh tetap sehat dan bugar.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Best Breast Massage Steps and Tips for Breast Enlargement

Best Breast Massage Steps and Tips for Breast Enlargement

While massage therapy is rapidly becoming one of the most popular forms of alternative or adjunct therapy, certain areas such as Breast massage therapy have not been as quick to catch on. This probably has to do with the fact that many women are uncomfortable letting a massage therapist touch their breasts. This is mainly because the breasts are viewed as mainly sexual objects on our society. Those who shed these false inhibitions get the opportunity to add a further dimension to the richness of their massage experience.Care Breast[]
Care Breast[]
Care Breast[]
What are the benefits of Breast massage therapy?Care Breast[]
Care Breast[]
Care Breast[]
Breast massage therapy has many benefits that extend far beyond the cosmetic. Yes, regular Breast massage therapy may help to increase the size of your breasts but it has many more medical benefits. Breast massage therapy increases circulation in the breast tissue and promotes their healthy growth. It also helps to reduce the incidence of fibroids and cysts.Care Breast[]
Care Breast[]
Breast massage therapy can also provide pain relief from pain associated with bra compression or pre-menstrual syndrome. It can also relieve stress and pain from the chest muscles and is also recommended to aid post-surgical recovery. One of the biggest medical benefits of Breast massage therapy is that it can help to prevent breast cancer. Experienced therapist can also detect formation of fibroid or cysts that may lead to cancer. Above all, Breast massage therapy can be a very relaxing and a pleasurable experience.
How is Breast massage therapy performed?

Breast massage therapy is performed with the patient lying flat on her back on a massage table. If the patient so desires, the massage may be performed with the breasts covered with a cloth. However, this greatly hinders the massage therapist and reduces the effectiveness of the massage. The massage therapist will usually start by massaging the area under the breast and over the breast with the palms of the hand. At any point in time if you are feeling uncomfortable or feel that too much of less pressure is being exerted, do not hesitate to tell your therapist. No therapist can read your mind.

The therapist will then move to massage the sides of the breast. The next step of the massage is the breast lift. The therapist places his or her hands under your breasts and gently lifts them towards the ceiling. This helps to relieve stress from the breasts and promotes gentle stretching. Finally the therapist will gently massage the pectoral muscles.

Breast tissues of the body, it can be effective self-massage or massage others. At the same time or other, most women experience breast congestion, breast pain, the discomfort of surgery and change anxiety-related physical and psychological trauma in their breast tissue.
Breast intense sexual contact and is not attractive to rule out the fact that they should not accept the body care. Breast care is an important area of ​​health, often is ignored as part of the stigma surrounding the treatment of this body.
Is rich in lymphatic vessels in the breast tissue. Unlike the body's other parts of the breast, the lack of external sources of oppression, to promote lymphatic drainage, such as muscles or strong overlying part of the front, naturally. Therefore, the fluid tends to stagnate, leading to breast problems. This is a gentle massage techniques, non-stimulant, can be used to help fluid recycling.
Massage therapy is an effective non-invasive treatment of breast, because they also need the best health needs good circulation and organization and mobilization. It is sometimes possible that the relationship between the chronic breast poor drainage and susceptibility to cancer. The massage technique is one of the most effective way to solve these problems, the promotion of breast health.
The benefits of breast massage:
A. Breast massage is a concept used by the centuries of women. This is the privacy of the family, can do a simple process. Second, it is a simple process, no more than a few minutes to complete.
Two. Breast adipose tissue and fat. A firm massage and fashion by these organizations and companies. This gives the health of the breasts look more natural.
3. Breast massage help create a beautiful bust line, to help shape and tone, thereby improving its overall attractiveness.
4. It can know all the fiber areas of possible signs of breast cancer.
5 It helps flush out the highly toxic material from the breast, the nutrition of the organization, especially the elimination of toxins through the lymphatic system.
6. It gives women their sense of femininity, and to promote relaxation and peace of mind, because other parts of the body to do the massage.
7. Breast massage helps correct sagging, drooping, and other characteristics, is considered unattractive.
8. Breast massage to improve the health and elasticity of the supporting ligaments, which provides better breast support.
How to massage your breasts?
The female breasts have very different texture and pressure sensitivity. So, for those sensitive or soft breasts, soft features. Moderate pressure might be more effective for those with a solid texture of the breast. Lotion or massage oil can also help avoid friction and reduce sensitivity.
Mild to moderate kneading, rubbing, squeezing in the hands of strokes enough to encourage the increase of lymphatic and blood flow in the chest. The breast can rub and squeeze by the contraction of the palm and fingers.
A. Discharge from the chest lymph, a regular massage is a gentle radial outward stroke from the nipple to the breast the outer edge. This is the lens by light pressure from the center of the chest, outside the nipple.
Two. Keep your breasts. Get rid of him rather than to its movement twisting one. Clockwise rotation of your hands and chest, followed by equal counter-clockwise movement. Lasted about 10 times.
3. Open your palms down breast cancer. The palm of your hand and then move down to make your fingers to rub the side of the chest. Should be avoided on the nipple, because it may undermine its shape.
A progressive sense of warm massage area, indicating that the increase in blood flow of the massage area.
Make the most of treatment, daily massage the breast, should be implemented as part of the routine - perhaps when fresh shower, because the skin is still damp. Massage can also do several times a day, according to the requirements and timetable.

Breast Massage

[Care Breast]
The breasts are always a point of concern for women, a focus of physical feminine beauty. Aside from the need for the breasts to be healthy, most women desire to make their breasts appear beautiful ?firm, shapely and perky. There are many women in the world who would not hesitate to spend thousands of dollars going through breast augmentation or breast reduction surgery or any other cosmetic procedure available just to get their breasts molded into the shape and size that they want. [Care Breast]
[Care Breast]
To be in possession of a pair of healthy and lovely breasts, a woman does not always have to turn to surgery to attain this. Massaging a woman's breasts is a practice that has been done for centuries in India and the Orient. Such a practice is documented in the Ayurveda, a medical system that originated in India and has been around for ages. [Care Breast]
[Care Breast]
Breast massage can be tricky because breast tissues are quite delicate. However, if done properly and with exerting only moderate pressure, massaging the breasts are perfectly safe. Not only does massaging the breasts make them firmer, it also makes them healthier and aids in maintaining the balance of hormones in a woman�s body. The procedure is also quite simple. [Care Breast]
[Care Breast]
A woman can massage her own breasts, but she can also have someone else do it for her. Naturally, this procedure requires baring the breasts and so it must be done in a private place. The woman can perform the massage lying or sitting down, whichever is more comfortable for her. [Care Breast]

To avoid friction and discomfort, the lubrication of massage oil on the skin is also necessary. The application of the massage oil onto the breast is the first stage of the massage. The oil is applied in circular movements on the breast, with the direction going from the center of the chest towards the underarm area. Take care that only light pressure is exerted on the breast.

The second step to massaging the breast is done after the breast is fully covered in oil. The breast is to be kneaded gently by lifting it from the chest and pressing delicately with both hands. Alternately, with both hands holding the breast, the flesh should be twisted and wrung very gently.

After this, as the third step, the giver of the massage should try to scoop the fibers of the breast with utmost gentleness using the flat of the fingertips. The strokes should be done clockwise, and then counterclockwise.

As a last step, the flesh of the breast should be stroked and smoothened, with the direction of the fingertips going from the center away towards the side. This is the cooling down phase of the massage. When this is done, repeat all the steps on the other breast. The receiver should drink plenty of water afterwards.

Breast massage can be uncomfortable or even painful. This is why it is so important to exert only minimal pressure when massaging the breasts.

Massaging the breasts, however, is good for promoting their health and for giving it a firm and beautiful appearance.

Indeed, Breast massage is one of the best ways to help create a more beautiful bustline by helping to shape, tone and promote growth of the breast and the area surrounding the breast.

Pijat Ibu Hamil

Pijat Ibu Hamil

Massage sebagai media pengobatan sudah digunakan selama berabad-abad untuk memperbaiki kesehatan tubuh secara menyeluruh, mengurangi rasa stress, dan membebaskan kekakuan dan ketegangan otot. Penyelidikan dan riset modern membuktikan ilmu pengobatan dengan pijatan sebelum melahirkan bisa menjadi treatment atau cara yang sangat baik terhadap perawatan sebelum ibu melahirkan dan diberikan dengan cara yang benar.

Studi penelitian menunjukkan bahwa massage therapy yang dilaksanakan selama kehamilan dapat mengurangi kegelisahan, mengurangi gejala-gejala depresi, membebaskan nyeri otot dan nyeri sendi, dan meningkatkan kesehatan bayi baru lahir. Massage therapy menunjukan kebutuhan yang berbeda melalui bermacam-macam teknik, satu diantaranya adalah Pijat Tradisional, yang juga tersedia di House of Relax, yang bermanfaat untuk rileksasi ketegangan otot dan memperbaiki sirkulasi getah bening dan peredaran darah melalui tekanan yang lembut untuk group otot di tubuh. Pijatan direkomendasikan selama prenatal massage karena ibu hamil banyak menunjukkan kegelisahan yang umum berhubungan dengan sistem skeletal dan perubahan sistem sirkulasi karena adanya perubahan hormon selama kehamilan.
Studi penelitian yang dilakukan 10 tahun yang lalu menunjukkan bahwa kadar hormon berhubungan dengan relaksasi dan stress, yang mendorong perbaikan kesehatan cardiovasculer, ketika massage therapy diperkenalkan untuk perawatan prenatal. Hormon-hormon seperti norepinefrin dan kortisol (“hormon stress”) dikurangi dan level dopamine dan serotonin ditingkatkan pada wanita-wanita yang dilakukan pijatan setiap dua minggu selama hanya lima minggu. Perubahan level hormon mengurangi kesulitan-kesulitan selama kelahiran dan memperkecil kesulitan-kesulitan bayi yang baru lahir, seperti berat/beban kelahiran yang rendah.
Ada beberapa persyaratan mengenai pijat ibu hamil yaitu;
1. kehamilan tidak bermasalah.
2. untuk menjaga hal yang tidak diinginkan lebih baik dilakukan di usia kandungan 5 bulan ke atas, di mana memang badan mulai terasa lebih capai karena beban yang mulai berat.

Pemijatan Payudara Ibu Hamil

Pemijatan Payudara Ibu Hamil

Hal ini bisa dilakukan kala mandi. Sebelumnya siapkan di waskom air hangat dan air dingin, minyak kelapa yang bersih (paling baik jika bikinan sendiri) atau baby oil, handuk, dan kapas.
Bersihkan payudara memakai air, lalu massage memakai minyak. Pemijatan dilakukan dengan memakai kedua tangan, sekeliling payudara diurut memutar searah jarum jam dan kemudian berbalik arah/berlawanan jarum jam. Setelah itu lakukan pengurutan dari bawah menuju puting, namun putingnya sendiri tak perlu di-massage karena tak berkelenjar tapi hanya merupakan saluran air susu belaka.
Usai massage, ketuk-ketuklah payudara memakai ujung jari atau ujung ruas jari. Gunanya agar sirkulasi darah bekerja lebih baik. Selanjutnya puting dibersihkan dengan menggunakan kapas dan minyak. Minyak ini berguna melenturkan dan melembabkan puting agar saat menyusui kelak puting sudah tak gampang lecet.
Terakhir, bersihkan payudara dan puting memakai air hangat dan dingin. Tujuannya untuk memperlancar sirkulasi darah. Setelah itu keringkan pakai handuk.